Scholarship Application Requirements

Applicants for the WAI 2023 scholarships must be an active member of Women in Aviation International by October 1, 2022, and may apply for up to three scholarships.

Scholarships may be applied for online through the WAI website.  Please submit your application only when you have all of the necessary files ready. Files must be less than 5 MB. Allowed file types include: .txt .doc. .docx. .pdf. Once your application has been submitted, changes cannot be made to your application.

  • two (one-page) recommendation letters
  • typed, descriptive, 500-word essay
  • professional résumé (no more than two pages)
  • flight scholarships must included copies of all aviation and medical certificates and the last three pages of your pilot logbook
  • other applicable information as requested for each specific award/grant/scholarship

These requirements are the minimum for all scholarships unless otherwise indicated. Some scholarships may require additional information such as the official WAI2022 application form. Please read the description thoroughly to make sure you meet all requirements.

Descriptive essay should address the following:

  • name and contact information
  • what motivated you to pursue aviation
  • short-term, mid-term, and long-range goals
  • how the scholarship will help you achieve your objective
  • how your previous training was financed
  • where you would obtain the training and the hourly rate for the instructor, aircraft, and simulators, or other costs
  • other applicable information as requested for each specific award/grant/scholarship

Résumé should address the following:

  • certificates already obtained, date, and flight hours completed (if applicable)
  • work history including aviation field
  • educational scholarships, awards, and honors
  • demonstrated involvement in aviation related activities

International applicants must meet all requirements and, in addition, must include your country’s pilot, mechanic, or other requirements and the equivalent copies of aviation certificates, licenses, and medicals.

2023 Scholarship applications must be submitted by October 12, 2022.  Contact Scholarship Coordinator Donna Wallace by email ( with any additional questions.

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WAI members seek to inspire and stand for encouragement, continued education, and a whole lot of fun! If you’re a lover of all things aviation and aerospace, and enjoy sharing your passion with others, we’d love to have you! Membership includes job search opportunities, scholarship opportunities, access to mentors in your industry, and much more.

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