The Take the Lead workshop which begins at 9:30 a.m. - presenter Betty Shotton shares her motivation for this particular workshop.
How can you construct a career that will allow and challenge you to deliver your personal best? How can you achieve your potential as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of your life? What do you do when you think you have these questions answered and boom, the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan?
The answers to these questions are always within your grasp if you believe in yourself. The answers arise from being fully accountable and equally determined to take the lead, no matter what!
My first job out of my MBA program was at a conservative, southern, mostly male Fortune 500 company. I was hired along with a handful of bright, eager, hopeful young women, specifically to raise the dismally low representation of women in leadership roles. It didn’t take long to realize that for the most part:
- We were not wanted
- We were not supported
- We faced unfair discrimination and harassment
It was a really hard time for me. I was young, naïve, and unprepared for this type of resistance and prejudice. I could have focused on blame; I had plenty of justification for that. I could have sued and probably won.
I didn’t choose either of those things. I chose to take the lead. I focused on what was in my control. I identified my personal career goals, I created boundaries, I asked for what I wanted. And when doors continually slammed shut, when my needs were not addressed, and when support was withheld, I chose to leave. I left behind a big salary and a lot of benefits and set out on my own.
The result of that decision was a 30-year run as a successful serial entrepreneur in real estate and aviation; a perfect fit and a path that has challenged and fueled my passion, purpose and ability to contribute to others. So how about you? Where are you on your career/life trajectory?
Straight and Level? Engaged, challenged and committed?
Climbing? On your way to somewhere without all the answers. Despite the ups and down, you continue to gain altitude.
Holding Pattern? Circling until you can figure out your next move.
Grounded? Weighed down by problems and roadblocks that seem insurmountable.
Wherever you are, remember that at any time, you can choose to be a backseat passenger or step into the pilot in command seat.