Career Resources

Find A Mentor

Sometimes all you need is someone who's been there and "gets it." As a WAI member, you have access to a large network of amazing aviators, many of whom have been in your shoes. Search online and select a mentor that best fits your goals and inspirations. Our WAI mentors love to help other WAI mentees!

Flying magazine takes a look at the different career paths you can choose in aviation.

Flying magazine features a special #Live2Fly Series that showcases the best jobs in aviation and aerospace.

Benefits of a WAI Membership

WAI members seek to inspire and stand for encouragement, continued education, and a whole lot of fun! If you’re a lover of all things aviation and aerospace, and enjoy sharing your passion with others, we’d love to have you! Membership includes job search opportunities, scholarship opportunities, access to mentors in your industry, and much more.

Become a Member