
Start applying for 103 scholarships!

At WAI’s 29th Annual International Women in Aviation Conference, 103 individual scholarships equaling $569,965 will be awarded. As is the tradition, these scholarships are available for both flight training and scholastic funding with specific scholarships earmarked for nearly every aspect of the aviation and aerospace community.

The scholarships will be awarded during WAI’s conference, held next year in Reno, Nevada, from March 22-24, 2018. Additional scholarships will be added in the coming months, and the total value of awarded scholarships typically reaches more than $600,000 annually.

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WAI members seek to inspire and stand for encouragement, continued education, and a whole lot of fun! If you’re a lover of all things aviation and aerospace, and enjoy sharing your passion with others, we’d love to have you! Membership includes job search opportunities, scholarship opportunities, access to mentors in your industry, and much more.

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