GIAD 2019

Funds used for Girls in Aviation Day and Aviation for Girls magazine

Women in Aviation International received a $15,000 grant from the International Society of Transport Aircraft Training (ISTAT) Foundation, which funds educational programs that advance commercial aviation. This is the fifth year that WAI has received an ISTAT Foundation grant.

As in past years, this grant will be used to expand the distribution of Aviation for Girls magazine with the ISTAT Foundation identified as the sponsor of this year’s issue. With this grant, the number of copies printed will be increased and its distribution expanded in hard copy and digitally. The 2019 issue of Aviation for Girls will be available digitally to all Women in Aviation International members and any interested individuals at .

Benefits of a WAI Membership

WAI members seek to inspire and stand for encouragement, continued education, and a whole lot of fun! If you’re a lover of all things aviation and aerospace, and enjoy sharing your passion with others, we’d love to have you! Membership includes job search opportunities, scholarship opportunities, access to mentors in your industry, and much more.

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